ADI Leak Detection

ADI Leak Detection

ADI Leak Detection

Leak Detection

ADI Leak Detection is a control method used to identify, monitor, and measure unintentional entry or escape of fluids and gases from a pressurized system or into an empty enclosure. This can be done by using bubble detectors, liquid penetrators or chemical indicators.

The method can be used on any pipe joints, connections, fittings, brazes or welds, outlets or point-of-use devices, worn shut-off valves, couplings, hoses, drains, traps, filters, regulators and lubricators, or anywhere a leak may be suspected. If a leak is discovered, it is important to document it and track it so that it can be rectified as soon as possible.

How ADI Leak Detection Improves Indoor Air Quality

Documentation is the key to secondary containment, especially in USTs (Underground Storage Tanks). During monthly inspections, it is important to record all of the information about the system so that the leakage can be identified and corrected.

ADI Leak Detection is the best way to find and report on leaks in your system. The instrument records every allocation event in your code and periodically searches the writable memory, registers and stack for references to active blocks of memory that haven’t been freed by your program.

At the end of each allocation cycle, the leak detector deems any block of memory that is malloc ‘ed but not freed a “leak” and shows it in the Detail pane. This can be useful in preventing memory corruption in your application, especially when there is a lot of ivars or local variables in your application.

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