When it comes to website hosting for nonprofits, global regulations can seem overwhelming. Whether your community website is being used to communicate with your citizens or attract new business, you may be required to adhere to different laws and regulations depending on where you are located and what type of content your site provides.
One important aspect of a website is its accessibility. WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) are technical standards that dictate how websites, apps, software, and documents should be accessible to people with disabilities. Local government websites are expected to be ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant.
ADA is federal civil rights legislation that prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation – including online spaces. New York state has also passed legislation that makes it illegal for websites to be inaccessible. Over the years, thousands of businesses have been sued for violating ADA laws and not having an accessible website.
: Understanding Website Compliance Requirements
To ensure that your government website is ADA compliant, there are several essential requirements that you must meet. For example, all information on your website must be clearly labeled. Similarly, if you have videos on your website or are streaming a live event like a press conference or real estate auction, it is best practice to include accurate and easy to read closed captions.
Another requirement that is crucial to a website’s ADA compliance is its menu structure. All pages must have a visible link to the home page, and all main navigational links must be labeled. Lastly, your contact information must be easy to find, and you are required to provide a way for users to contact your organization.